Runners’ Prayer

Here’s my prayer for all the runners out there. 

Runners’ Prayer

I pray today won’t be too windy

Too hot, too cold or too sunny

I pray to avoid an excuse as to why

I can’t be bothered to go out today

I pray that I have courage to join a running club

I hope my new shiny trainers don’t rub. 

I pray that I am properly hydrated

To avoid feeling a little light headed

I pray that I haven’t drunk to much you see

I’d hate to have to furtively pee behind a tree

I pray my gel will not make my hands too sticky

That the gradients are manageable, not too tricky

I pray that I can soon get in my stride 

Start feeling fine not feeling too tired 

I pray that every step will be better than the last

Maintain the pace be fairly fast 

I pray that I will last the course

A run with my wife won’t end in divorce 

I pray that I won’t suffer again, plantar fasciitis 

A painful injury it certainly is! 

I pray that I will have a PB

However hard you try there’s no guarantee 

I pray I do not get runners’ nipple

Looking forward to being rewarded with a little tipple. 

I pray that I will enjoy the run

Because finishing strong is always fun. 


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