I Forgot My Phone

Yesterday Lesley and I went for an impromptu meal with Matthew and his girlfriend Caitlin to the pub at the top of the street. I was disappointed to realise that I had left my phone charging at home. Well, I guess it’s not a surprise that it was one of the best meals out we have had with our family for a long time. No-one was distracted and we all learnt so much about each other that we didn’t know. I have got to admit I didn’t miss taking that picture of my meal!!

I Forgot My Phone

Yesterday I forgot my phone

I didn’t feel all alone

I didn’t miss interacting with social media

Or checking out holidays on Expedia

No need to look every second for mail

Or whether on eBay I had made a sale

Didn’t matter how many extra followers

Or Catch Up watching an episode of the Borrowers

No need to play Words with Friends

Or looking for the latest Twitter trends

A check for hits on my blog could wait

Or recording on Lose It my current weight

My online bank account wouldn’t change

Could exist without knowing the sterling exchange

Didn’t need to snap every waking minute

Or that my credit card had hit its limit

Life could go on without another notification

Or checking on Facebook a friend’s vacation

House prices didn’t collapse, not checking out Zoopla

Or buying trash on Amazon that you thought was super

Used my brain instead of looking up things on Google

Had a debate about the many ways of spelling McDougal 

Yesterday I forgot my phone

I didn’t feel all alone

Instead there was animated conversation

A heightened sense of relaxation

Conversation flowed with ease

Devoid of this 21st century social disease


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