
We visited The Turner Art Gallery in Margate. The main exhibition was Patrick Heron. He was an abstract artist, born in Leeds, who died in 1999. I always feel that when I see modern abstract art that I could do it, or certainly could when I was a child!! 


Vibrant colours awash the walls

Arty folk stand and stare

Entranced by total abstraction

A distraction from grey soulless lives

Long hair, braids and edgy hats

Peering over glasses

Stroking beards

All reality disappears 

A splash of red

A swoon of maroon

A splatter of pink

A gaggle of green

Some shades never previously seen

Shapes showered on the canvas

Random yet very specific

Breathing life with every brushstroke 

In the outside existence 

Less bohemian types

Show a resistance 

To this nonsensical world

Of make believe 

Or magnificent observation

You decide....


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