Life’s Last Moments

This poem was inspired by the loss of the Premier League footballer in a plane over the Channel Islands. It got me thinking what would be my last thoughts if I were only given minutes to live...

Life’s Last Moments

Five minute warning

Life’s last moments

Played out slowly

Too slowly, only time

To think, reflect

On those we will leave behind

Memories once distant

Come flooding into focus

Childhood recollections

Mums loving arms holding you

Scenes of forgotten love

Fly into clear crystal view

Dad picking you up when you fall

Times we played bat and ball

Four minute warning

Life’s last moments

Played out slowly

Beautiful moments

Of life’s history

Days in the sun

A long hot summer

Playing soldiers with my brother

Tenacious tennis with a friend

Whose early death

I could never comprehend

Grandparents undying love

Looking after me from above

Childhood dreams

I thought would never end

Three minute warning

Life’s last moments

Played out slowly

A lifelong love revealed

In that first glance

I knew I believed

She was the one

A burning fire, a romance

No one could extinguish

Or replace the anguish

Of ever being apart

The strongest hurt

There will ever be

Knowing that you

Will remember me

by planting

Our favourite tree.

Two minute warning

Life’s last moments

Played out slowly

The first time

I held him in my arms

His innocent smile

The intense love

For the sweet son of mine

Taking him to the trains

Seeing his face light up

As steam filled the air

Giving a little prayer

That life would continue

Like this for ever

One minute warning

Life’s last moments

Played out slowly

A family complete

A beautiful girl

Full of life

A beautiful ballerina

A tough tackling midfielder

I couldn’t ask for more

Whatever paths we take

In our family

There will always be a bond

For eternity and beyond

No minute warning

Life’s last moments

Played out...


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